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UPDATE - Shareware Atari 520ST C compiler - version 1.2
copyright 1987 - Mark A. Johnson
This is an update to the shareware C compiler I've distributed in
the past. It contains updates to the compiler, assembler, libraries and
startup routines. It also contains a UN*X-style "make" program (mk.c)
and a tool to help figure out crashes (bug.c). Read the source for info
on how to use mk and bug. To save space, I've only included the source
for the libaries and tools. Use the compiler to build them:
cc -o lib.a lib.c
cc -o gem.a gem.c
cc mk.c
as -o mk.ttp ttp.s yc.out -l lib.a
cc bug.c
as -o bug.ttp ttp.s yc.out -l lib.a
This version fixes two bugs in the "register" storage class code generation.
The previous update (version 1.1) had register variables in the library
code which will not work. If you wish to continue to use 1.1 (instead of
downloaded 1.2) you must delete the storage class "register" from the
variable declarations in gem.c and lib.c and recompile the libraries.
(I'd just downloading the update.)
What follows is the original README.DOC included with the distribution disk,
updated with recent changes. If you need the distribution disk, send me a
blank disk at the address listed below. (Judged by the previous responses,
shareware == freeware and hardly anyone writes to say thanks. That's okay,
as long as we're all having fun).
Mark A. Johnson
85 Coleman Avenue
Red Bank, NJ 07701
This disk contains a limited shareware C compiler for your use and enjoyment.
You should find a number of directories on this disk which contain the
following files:
cc.ttp - translates C code to intermediate code
as.ttp - translates intermediate code to machine code
hd.ttp - hex dump utility
cat.ttp - file concatenation utility
grep.ttp - utility to search for a string in a file
date.ttp - displays (sets) the current date and time
ue.ttp - public domain microEmacs editor
mk.ttp - simple UN*X style "make" program
bug.ttp - answers the question "where did it crash"
prg.s - startup intermediate code for .PRG programs
ttp.s - startup intermediate code for .TTP programs
lib.a - library used to create .TTP programs
gem.a - library used to create .PRG programs
lib.c - c code for lib.a
gem.c - c code for gem.a
stdio.h - standard i/o header
setjmp.h - header for setjmp/longjmp routines
gem.h - header for GEM AES routines
ss.c - source for a simple spreadsheet program
cat.c - source the file concatenation program
grep.c - source for the string search program
hd.c - source for the hex dump program
mk.c - source for the make program
bug.c - source for the bug finder program
You will also find the following files in the root directory:
rmd209.acc - public domain ramdisk accessory
command.tos - public domain command line interpreter
boot.bat - copy tools into the ramdisk
as.doc - documentation on the intermediate code
err.doc - documentation on the compiler error messages
readme.doc - this file
The compiler (cc.ttp) is preprocessor, parser, and code generator all rolled
into a single program. Please refer to the "C Programming Language" by K&R.
The compiler has the following features, limitations, and shortcomings:
- symbol names can be any length
- built-in "trap" generator "trap(NUM, arg1, arg2, ...)"
- structure assignments
- register variables
- Initialization should be done carefully. No type checking
is done between the initializing value and the type of the variable
being initialized. This is crude but it works. Accepted initializer
values are (long or short) constant expressions, strings, and symbols.
Local variables can be initialized with any valid expression.
what's missing
- type specifiers: float double auto
- goto and labels
The output of the compiler is ascii text and each line maps into a
single instruction. This intermediate code is as terse as I can make it (to
save disk space) but is still readable (by me at least). (I have plans to
improve this to make things easier for an optimizer). The output of the
compiler is always placed in a file called "yc.out" in the current directory.
Any error messages are displayed on the screen. If "-o filename" is present
on the command line, output will be placed in the specified file instead of
The assembler (as.ttp) reads the intermediate code in a single pass and
keeps everything in memory before generating the file "ya.out" in the
current directory. The size limit of the program to be compiled is basically
the size of the available memory. The "ya.out" file should be renamed to
one of the standard extensions (.TTP, .PRG, .TOS) before executing it.
The command line of the assembler should always list a startup file
first (see ttp.s or prg.s) then the intermediate files of the program,
then "-L" followed by any libraries. Any errors encountered by the
assembler terminates assembly. A "-m" argument to the assembler will
include the symbol table (standard Atari format) in the output file.
A "-o filename" argument will place the output in the specified file instead
of in YA.OUT.
A library is simply intermediate code, but is handled differently by the
assembler than regular intermediate code. Intermediate code (the
files before "-L") are read and processed directly; all symbols and
code are accepted without question. A library is read without processing
until a symbol is found that is needed but not defined. From that point
on, the library is read and processed until the next symbol is encountered.
At the next symbol, the "needed but not defined" test is applied again
and processing or scanning continues as necessary.
The libraries include TOS, VDI, and AES routines taken from the Abacus books.
I plan to document the library routines later. I have also included basic
<stdio.h> routines. I have included the source for lib.a and gem.a (see
lib.c and gem.c). A lot of library routines you would expect to see are
missing, and for that I apologize. I have recently added scanf, a full
printf, and a real malloc/realloc/free memory allocator package to lib.c
Creating .TTP programs is straightforward and better tested than .PRG (GEM)
program creation. In a .TTP process, the main function is called with
the standard arguments:
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];
Redirection of input and output using >outfile, >>appendfile, or <infile
on the command line is handled by a startup routine linked into the
compiled program. Reads and writes to the screen are built to map '\n'
to/from "\n\r".
Support for GEM programs (.PRG) is not completely debugged. The GEM.A
library includes all the VDI and AES functions in the Abacus books,
but has not been extensively tested. The VDI routines work and
the window routines, form_alert, and evnt_multi of AES are working.
My stumbling block right now is adequate documentation
that would enable me to build a (working) Resource Construction Set.
I'm working on it...
Let me give you an example of how I use these tools. I make up an
auto-booting disk from the distribution disk which contains all the files
I normally use when compiling (as.ttp, cc.ttp, the libraries, starup files,
and as many tools as can fit in the ramdisk). I use Moshe Braner's AUTODISK
which sets the date and copies stuff to ramdisk very quickly. MK works
best when the date is accurately set.
I then insert a working disk (I only have a single floppy!).
I use microEmacs (ue.ttp) to create or edit C programs. The MK.TTP program
has built-in rules that enable it to build .TTP or .PRG programs out of
.C source files without any makefile needed. For example,
mk grep.ttp
will compile the program grep.c and create an executable called grep.ttp.
If the C program is contained in a number of files, I normally create a
makefile MK.TTP can use. Intermediate files are created from the C source
(again a built-in rule in MK.TTP) and finally the object is linked together
by an entry in the makefile. For example, say I have a spreadsheet program
composed of four files: main.c, io.c, calc.c, and display.c. The following
makefile would do the trick (without the indentations!)
# makefile for a (mythical) spreadsheet program
OBJ = main.s io.s calc.s display.s
ss.ttp: $(OBJ)
d:as.ttp d:ttp.s $(OBJ) -L d:lib.a
io.c main.c display.c: stdio.h
With the above, I can build the spreadsheet after editing with
mk ss.ttp
Only those files that need to be compiled will be compiled. When everything
is compiled then the objects will be linked together to form the executable.
The source for MK.TTP is included on this disk (SRC\MK.C), so take a look in
there for more information on how it works. If you insist on doing things by
hand, then
cc file.c
will compile FILE.C into intermediate code, which is found in YC.OUT in the
current directory. You then use
as d:ttp.s yc.out -L d:lib.a
to assemble and link the startup file TTP.S, the compiler output YC.OUT and
the library LIB.A. For GEM programs, you can replace TTP.S with PRG.S
and add GEM.A after the -L.
I bought my 520ST in April 1986. Almost all the software I have is either
public domain or shareware. I have supported the shareware idea in the past,
but I'd like to see it happen for myself. If you like what you find here,
please send a donation along with your name and address. I'd like to run a
newsletter to discuss bugs, enhancements, and hints. There is a lot
I would like to do with this in the future. Many of the limitations are
easy to fix, and I really do need a Resource Construction Set (if I can
only figure out how to make object trees that work!). I hope you enjoy
this software. It is not for sale by anyone, and I reserve all rights
to its ownership. Feel free to pass it on to other ST owners, but please
pass on the whole disk, including this "readme" file. I welcome any comments
you may have; send mail to:
Mark A. Johnson
85 Coleman Ave
Red Bank, NJ 07701